The price of commission.
- The price of scheme A is $ 100 US Dollars.
- The price of scheme B is $ 50 US Dollars.
- The overlay of talking live stream:$ 50 US Dollars.
- The overlay of singing live stream:$ 50 US Dollars.
- The overlay of gaming/painting/working/or the others live stream:$ 50 US Dollars.
- The schedule of weekly:$ 36 US Dollars.
- If you commission me two of the talking, singing, and gaming overlay at the same time, the price of the schedule will become $ 16 US Dollars.
- If you commission me the talking, singing, and gaming overlay at the same time, I will give you a schedule for free.
Attention Please:
I am not accept the commission of the illustration of stream overlay, like room or factory, If you want to commission of that, please commission the illustrators.
Please click the button for get the detail of scheme :
Logo design Scheme A
The price of scheme A is $ 100 US Dollars.
- It have two types, text-type and icontype, you can choose one of them.
- If you have a favorite logo and you didn't know what type is it, you can ask me.
- When I design logos, I will use the things what is on the character.
- If you are not in Taiwan now, you can choose transfer, Paypal, or Google Pay.
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Logo design Scheme B
The price of scheme B is $ 50 US Dollars.
- The type of scheme B just have text-type logos, you can't choose the icontype.
- When I design logos, I will use some of things what is on the character.
- If you are not in Taiwan now, you can choose transfer, Paypal, or Google Pay.
- These are examples of scheme B :

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How to commission me?
Before you commission me, you have to know...
- If you want to get the finish file in 5 days from you commission me, it will be classified the urgent case,
the price of urgent case is 1.5 times.
- If your commission is urgent case, please tell me when you give me the data.
- You can modify the draft on 6 times and 30% of the picture each times.
And if you give me a list which has modify feedback, that is once modify.
If you give me more modify request after I start to modify, that is twice modify.
If you want to modify the extent of logo draft picture are over 30%, the times of modify will make to plus 1.
And if the draft is more complicated, than the times of modify will make to plus 2.
- You can modify the first draft of stream overlay on 4 times and 40% of the picture each times.
- If you confirm the draft is okay, I will start to exquisite it.
- The exquisite works will provide the opportunity which can be modify on three times and 25% each times.
- You don't have to pay me the deposit, when the case will be finished, I will let you confirm it by screenshot.
When you confirm it, you just pay me on that time.
- When I confirm the payment has been received, I will send "the no background .png pictures" and "the origin file ( normally it is .ai )" to you.
- If you are not in Taiwan now, you can choose transfer, Paypal, or Google Pay.
- All of my works(your commission)will be included in my website of my works ( this website ) after you public it.
If you don't want to include your commission in my website, please tell me when you commission me.
- If the deadline is "the beginning of the month" in your commission data, It will be default is "10th in the month".
- If the deadline is "the middle of the month" in your commission data, It will be default is "20th in the month".
- If the deadline is "the end of the month" in your commission data, It will be default is "the final day in the month".
The process of logo commission
1. Please use the twitter DM, Facebook messenger or email to contact me, do not use the Facebook fan page for now.
2. When you contact me, please give me the information below:
- What do you want to commission me? ( Logo or live overlay )
- The scheme of logo ( scheme A text-type or icon type, or scheme B )
- If your case has the deadline, please tell me. If not, I will set your commission up at most recent time in my schedule.
3. When I confirm the schedule and details, please give me the information below:
- VTuber/Character's name
- Foreign name/Pronunciation ( If you don't have that, you haven't to give that to me. )
- Character setting/backgroung ( including, but not limited:race, family, born, era, hobby or individuality...any informations about your
character, if doesn't have the information of anyone of the items, it's also no problem. )
- Tachie ( full-body of character in a standing pose ) , design layout or three-view drawing of character.
- Have any style of logo design you like? Do you have logo works which you like it? ( If you don't, that's no influence for my work )
4. Wait for my draft.
5. Discussing the draft with me and give me the feedback. ( The stage of draft, you can modify if for 6 times, every times is restricted to 30% )
6. Confirm the draft and start to make detail of logo.
7. Logo is finished, and discuss with me. ( in this step, you can modifying it in 3 times, every times is restricted to 25% )
8. Confirm the final work.
9. Pay me.
10. Get the files. ( include a few version of the no-background PNG and origin file (.ai) )
← Twitter click here

The process of live overlay
1. Please use the twitter DM, Facebook messenger or email to contact me, do not use the Facebook fan page for now.
2. When you contact me, please give me the information below:
- What do you want to commission me? ( Logo or live overlay )
- If your case has the deadline, please tell me. If not, I will set your commission up at most recent time in my schedule.
3. When I confirm the schedule and details, please give me the information below:
- Character setting/backgroung ( including, but not limited:race, family, born, era, hobby or individuality...any informations about your
character, if doesn't have the information of anyone of the items, it's also no problem. )
- Tachie ( full-body of character in a standing pose ) , design layout or three-view drawing of character.
- Have any style or color you want? ( If you don't, that's no influence for my work )
4. Wait for preliminary works.
5. Discuss and modify the works. ( in this step, you can modifying it in 4 times, every times is restricted to 40% )
6. Confirm the works.
7. Pay me.
8. Get the files. ( include the no-background PNG of all of live overlay, their base picture and frame of comments and title. )
← Twitter click here

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Q & A
-Q. Do you accept the commission which is not VTubers' logo or overlay design?
A. Yes.
-Q. What kind of commission did you had accepted?
A. I had accepted the ASMR digital products' cover logo design,
company / studio / group logo design,
personal and personal brand logo design,
visual image design and logo design.
-Q. If I connect with you, but you are not read or reply me immediately, what happened?
A. Maybe I am busy at that moment, or going outside, please wait a moment, I am very preciate for your waiting.
-Q. Can I DM you to talk my annoyance of my life or relationship?
A. Please, don't do that, please.
If you can knew the language of Taiwan, I recommend a Taiwan VTuber names "希靈Healing", she had the live stream of Tarot and she can give you the nice suggest.